As a clinical psychologist he works in the fields of prevention, analysis and treatment of psychic disorders. He makes consultancies aiming to promote the treatment, the reorganisation and the development of one’s resources for a more effective management and understanding of the difficulties in the individual’s experience, in the couple or in the relationships with one’s children. This intervention can be particularly effective at times of change in the life cycle or in case of traumatic events that can disorganise a previous situation of relative psychic well-being.


As psychoanalyst and psychotherapist he mainly works with adolescents, young adults, adults, and senior citizens, and offers his expertise in treating relational difficulties, states of anxiety, stress, panic attacks, eating disorders, addictions, depressive states, sexual problems, personality disorders or other bordeline conditions. His professional support aims to foster  the development of reflective and relational competence, along with the growth of feelings of effectiveness, trust, and hope.


As training psychoanalyst and supervisor he works with psychotherapy trainees and psychoanalytic candidates.


He offers a therapeutic space for individuals, couples and groups.

Dr. Maurizio Pinato - Psicoanalista e psicoterapeuta. Via Renato Fucini 5, Milano - Via Bernardino Luini 32, Meda (MB) P.IVA 04257420960 - Design Invasione Creativa